Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Valley Forge: and only just recovering

I've been trying to get enough energy to update my blog since Sunday but that five mile loop I did at Valley Forge with the bipeds on Saturday really knocked the wind out of me. 

Here are some of the highlights:
  • I got to go in the car - I love the car!  I would stay in the car all day, every day if they let me.
  • Valley Forge is my most favorite park in the world - there is lots to see, smell and chase.
  • The weather was absolutely glorious - I hope that doesn't come across as too gushy but it's been awhile since we had beautiful sunny days that aren't too hot and no humidity.
  • We saw a "herd" of Jack Russell Terriers walking with their bipeds - there were lots of the little guys!  My bipeds wouldn't let me stop to say hi, we'll catch up next time guys...
  • There were LOTS of other doggies out for the day and everyone had their tails wagging!
Well, better go back to sleep - I need to save my energy for my evening trot around the neighborhood.
Photograph by: zrim

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