Friday, March 23, 2007

Back from Holiday Camp

Yes, I'm sure you missed me! It seems that the bipeds didn't trust me to stay at home alone while they flitted around the world, so off I went to holiday camp.

Now, I know what you thinking, "Poor Arnold" but actually Holiday Camp is one of my favorite places apart from home and any park I've ever visited. Not only do I get to stay up late with the guys, I can bark any time I want without being told to be quiet and there are even a bunch of cool bipeds who'll play ball with me. My only complaint is the bipeds didn't splash out for an Internet connection for me, so I wasn't able to surf or update my blog :-(

Actually I'm not too happy with the bipeds at the moment. Not only did they visit with the "Little Bros" but also with the "Big Bros" - without taking me! Some excuse about quarantine - ha! Next time I'm sneaking in their suitcase.

Well, off to gargle - I seemed to have lost my voice for some reason...

The Little Bros

The Big Bros